Red Bluff Daily News
By: Ronnie Casey
Published: February 11, 2022
As we all know, the coming of spring, for most creatures, is the start of breeding season. Unfortunately, as a result of nature’s call, shelters and rescues throughout the country will experience an unmanageable increase in animal intake.
That is why February is designated as Spay and Neuter Awareness Month, Responsible Pet Owner Month and National Prevent a Litter Month. In addition, there are other animal awareness days, such as World Spay Day and Spay Day USA, which occur on the last Tuesday of February. As you can surmise, the overall goal is to encourage people to have their pets sterilized.
The decision to sterilize your pet is an important one, and is one of the best decisions made for long-term pet welfare. Spaying and neutering your pets is also very affordable. If you truly love adorable, fluffy kittens and sweet, cuddly puppies, then understand that spaying and neutering does help to reduce the number of homeless animals in shelters, and ultimately decreases the need to euthanize any of these adorable creatures. It also improves overall pet health, assists in reducing unruly behaviors (another reason why pets end-up in the shelter) and can save on unwanted pet care costs. It really is the best decision you can make for you and your pets.
In 2021, 1,919 animals were admitted into our undersized local shelter. According to the Shelter Animals Count database, in 2020, 372,320 animals (184,770 dogs and 187,550 cats) were admitted into the 225 reporting agencies in California. In addition, it is estimated that during that same year approximately 3,131,546 cats and dogs entered reporting animal shelters nationally (please note, not all facilities report).
I don’t know about you, but I find all these figures appalling. These animals will sit in shelters for days, weeks and months waiting for loving homes and, sadly, quite a few will never get one or leave by the front door. Many others will be abandoned, left on the streets to wander aimlessly to suffer from disease, starvation and other forms of undue cruelty. So, if you do not believe spaying and neutering saves lives, then I would advise you to think again.
Just in case none of the above convinces you to spay and neuter, let me continue and discuss some of the poor excuses given against doing this life-saving procedure.
“It’s better to have one litter before spaying.” It is a common thought that female pets should have a litter of before being spayed. Here’s a news flash: Animals do not think like human females, therefore they will not be emotionally yearning to become a mother, nor will they have any regrets about not having babies. For them, there are absolutely no physical or mental advantages to having a litter of puppies or kittens. Since you do not need to worry about paying for years of emotional therapy, you can feel free to go ahead and make that spay and neuter vet appointment.
“I want my children to experience the miracle of birth.” To this I say, “rent a movie.” There are numerous educational films available, not to mention the multitude of animal programs on T.V., zoos, etc. where junior can visualize the “miracle” without contributing to the overpopulation. While the birth of baby animals may teach children a love of life, this lesson can be learned in many other, more humane and positive ways. Wouldn’t a better lesson be to teach them that all life is precious and that it is everyone’s responsibility to insure that no animal and offspring needlessly suffer?
“My pet will get fat and lazy.” Most pets, like humans, get fat and lazy because they eat too much and do not get enough exercise. An animal may put on some weight after sterilization, but not because of the surgery. Male dogs and cats have a tendency to roam less, thus burning fewer calories. If it happens, reduce food intake and increase activity sessions. After sitting around all winter, it might do everyone some good.
“I want to breed my pet because it is a purebred” or “because I want another one just like him,” plus, “I can get good homes for the rest I don’t want.” No matter how amazing you think your pet is, others may not be so impressed, and that could leave you with a large number of animals that will take over your life and your wallet.
Ask any shelter or rescue how easy it is to find homes for adorable puppies or kittens. If it was easy, everyone could do it, and apparently they can’t. Shelter census doesn’t lie. Once animals become older and not as cuddly, the job of placement becomes increasingly more difficult. The harsh reality is that many of the animals resulting from these litters will not remain in the same home for the rest of their life, and will die somewhere else, unwanted and homeless.
“I don’t want their behavior to change… I don’t want my male pet feeling less manly… I want them to be protective…etc.” Neutered males fight less and wander less, greatly reducing their chances of being injured or lost. And, unlike male humans, do not feel their “manhood” has been compromised. Again, there is no need for a therapist.
If you want what is best for animals, then just don’t pay lip service to the idea. Take action and spay or neuter your pets. It really is that simple.
Ronnie Casey has been volunteering with the Tehama County Animal Care Center since relocating in 2011. A retired R.N., she strives to help animals in need within Tehama county. She can be reached at