By: Tiana Maxwell
Published: Feb 27, 2024
MONCKS CORNER, S.C. (WCSC) – A Lowcountry animal shelter is calling to the community for help with overcrowding issues.
The Berkeley County Animal Center is looking for forever homes for their animals.
The shelter houses cats and dogs that are up for adoption. The center battled overcrowding for over a year and is asking the community to foster, adopt or help walk the dogs. The center’s foster program includes short-term fosters, medical fosters and foster to furever. Members of the community can take dogs for walks or take them home for the night. The center hopes that the doggie dates will increase the chances of adoption by promoting the animals in the community.
Last year, about 245,000 more animals waited in shelters during the holiday season compared to 2022. According to Shelter Animals Count, shelters in 2023 were found in their third year of overcrowding nationally with a 10% increased intake of mostly dogs in comparison to 2021.
The shelter sees anywhere between 5 to 30 animals brought into the shelter in one day alone. Berkeley Animal Center Manager Tiffany Hoffman says the center will stop animal intake and pet owner surrenders if overcrowding continues. She says the outcome is not what the shelter aims for as a safe haven for animals.
“Community can help by coming out and adopting, fostering, walking dogs, cleaning kennels, and anything to number one…promote the dog or cat and get them out there where people can see it,” Hoffman says. “Come out and take pictures of animals, or take them for a walk. Take pictures, show your friends. If you can’t come out to the shelter, donate.”
Hoffman says there are many reasons why adopting a future family member is great. She hopes that the center’s animals can experience loving homes.
“Whether you’re single, your family, your traveling, it doesn’t matter. Your animal is always there with you. For myself and for the staff, these animals are amazing. And we get to know each one of them, We get to love each one of them. They are such good animals, and we would love to be able to put them in homes,” Hoffman says.
The center says in a perfect world the shelter would be empty and only used for emergencies.