World Spay Day serves as an important reminder of the role spay/neuter services play in animal welfare. In honor of today, we at Shelter Animals Count want to share some insights into the data that we are seeing in the area of community animal services and animal-level data for the spay/neuter status of pets entering shelters.
Broader Trends in Animal Welfare
Spaying and neutering pets will always been an essential part of sheltering and community services to reduce the amount of animals entering animal organizations each year. Some broader trends in animal welfare at this time:
+ With shelter capacity at a breaking point and length of stay rising for dogs, reducing an animal’s length of stay can alleviate resource strain and improve outcomes. Visit this page to see 4 Proven Strategies to Reduce Length of Stay in your organization.
For additional insights into trends in animal welfare, read through our 2024 Year End Report.
Animal-Level Data: Altered at Intake Status
Animal-level sample data from SAC, covering approximately 800,000 unique animals across organizations reporting consistently from 2023 through October 2024, shows the percentage of pets altered at intake:
These data points highlight the ongoing need for community spay/neuter services, particularly as the percentage of animals entering shelters in 2024 already altered remains low and is decreasing for both dogs and cats compared 2023.
Community Spay/Neuter Services: 2024 Reporting Data
Through SAC’s community services reporting, we can now track spay/neuter services provided by animal welfare organizations to pets that are in the community, through services such as low-cost clinics. In 2024, 96 organizations reported 12 months of spay/neuter data, offering a snapshot of community engagement:
70% of all spay/neuter services were provided to cats in this dataset, illustrating the high demand for accessible sterilization services, particularly for community cats through TNR programs.
Data in Action: Check out how Humane Society of Pike’s Peak Region made an impact in their community through their TNR program and reduced their stray cat intakes by 7% in 2024 compared to 2023.
Contribute your data to Shelter Animals Count for your community services that you provide each month.
With insights from our Animal Level Data and Community Services Database, we can now explore detailed trends and analyses surrounding spay/neuter services in animal welfare. This data helps illustrate the vital role these services play in supporting pets, shelters, and communities.
Spay/neuter services remain a cornerstone of reducing shelter intake and improving animal well-being. On World Spay Day, let’s celebrate the incredible work of organizations nationwide and continue advocating for accessible sterilization services for all pets. –Need community resources? Find local support here.
Spay/Neuter Your Pet – Learn more about the benefits of spaying and neutering your pet.
Spay/Neuter Resources – Helpful tools and information for animal welfare organizations.